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IoT Tech Meetup

IoT Tech Meetup

Last Wednesday SynTouch attended the second IoT Tech Community Meetup. This time held at the Rabobank in Utrecht (aka de Verrekijker). That in it self seemed like a wonderful opportunity to visit this landmark office building in the city of the "Domstad". My home town. Apart from the networking breaks three interesting presentations were held by IoT enthusiasts.

In Using Actors for the Internet of (Lego) Trains Johan Janssen (@johanjanssen42) explained his application based on Scala, and Akka HTTP actors instead of pure REST. This shared messaging model saves on expensive conversions associated with JSON or even XML over SOAP. Although the average response times are somewhat above Spring Boot, the max response times turn out to be lower implying a more stable and scalable solution. This demo was run on Raspberry.

In Mission to Mars: explorer new worlds with AWS IoT Jeroen Resoort (@JeroenResoort) showed off his mBot equipped with additional GrovePi and PiPan camera as well as cloud connectivity. Finding the right library for the job such as paho is still a challenge.

In IoT & Big Data: when football brings them together Joep Kokkeler (@kokkelaar) talked about debugging sensor messages at big data scale using Kafka and Hadoop. He presented a Storm setup with 1 Sprout and 4 Bolts getting data into HBase and HDFS. Apache Nifi for stream processing could be worth investigating.

[Edgar] (11/24/2016 3:41:15 PM)


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About Edgar

Edgar is a software engineer with experience in TIBCO Middleware and Pega Case Managemement. He holds a master's degree in Computer Science with a specialization in Data Visualization & Computer Graphics.

In his spare time Edgar reads SOS and Empire, mixes house music, blogs and writes film reviews or goes running.

Currently employed by SynTouch he is specifically looking for a PRPC project. Feel free to contact him for challenging assignments through LinkedIn.