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Pegasystems is a successful global vendor of CRM solutions. Last year my own employer SynTouch gave me the opportunity to invest in certification so we could become partner and set up a new business unit for Pega.

To further improve our web presence I´ve registered where I will share my professional knowledge as well as personal thoughts related to Pega. You can also find articles and resources on a few other topic I find interesting such as web and mobile development.

Blogs of my co-workers can be found at SynTouch. [Edgar] (11/22/2016 2:00:30 PM)


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About Edgar

Edgar is a software engineer with experience in TIBCO Middleware and Pega Case Managemement. He holds a master's degree in Computer Science with a specialization in Data Visualization & Computer Graphics.

In his spare time Edgar reads SOS and Empire, mixes house music, blogs and writes film reviews or goes running.

Currently employed by SynTouch he is specifically looking for a PRPC project. Feel free to contact him for challenging assignments through LinkedIn.