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Highlights of Pega's Customer Engagement Summit

Highlights of Pega's Customer Engagement Summit

On April 11th Pega continued this year´s Customer Engagement Roadshow around Europe and we were happy to be invited and attend this inspiring summit at the Passenger Terminal in Amsterdam. Here are some highlights of the afternoon program.

Future Empowered

Right after registration and the welcome reception, Derk-Jan Brand (MD at Pegasystems) kicked off the summit by introducing first keynote speaker Tom Libretto (CMO at Pegasystems). Tom talked about what it takes to be "Future Empowered". The brand we all love happen to share three common skills that make them successful:

  • Customer Engagement
  • Operational Efficient
  • Business Agility
Fact: Amazon [Web Services] is able to perform continuous deployments into production on an 11-second interval #CI

Derk-Jan also encouraged the audience think about these skills a bit more and try to come up with three example on how to address this and improve ourselves in these areas.

Survey: Do you think your company knows its customers well? 64% answered positively where only 24% of the customers agrees on this perception.

Tom stressed the importance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Pega´s Decision Hub "to feed more context to the customer movie [or journey]". Next, Mark Wiermans (Accenture) answered several pressing questions regarding current customer engagement trends as researched and reported annually in the Technology Vision by Accenture Labs. #TechVision2017

A balancing act between high tech and human touch

After the refreshments & networking break, Sander Middendorp (Rabobank Business Lending) explained how, after the economic crisis, the Banking industry got disrupted by new tech start-ups entering the ecosystem. Meanwhile the PSD2-implementation in 2018 on opening the transaction ledgers is well on its way. All the more reason for Rabo to pick up on social by introducing a new business model around "connecting people" and thus building the Tellow app.

Trend: "AI is the new UI" since experience [goes] above all with simple and smart interactions, value at each connection made... #UX

Breaking the silos for a great customer experience

Tanny Teijema & Wieke Vrielink (Transavia) explained how they "make low-cost feel good" by leveraging Pega technology. Two of the initial challenges this medium-sized airline identified were:

  • A customer journey might only consist of a single touch point
  • Operation Center employees typically deal with 6+ stakeholders

This insight made [system] integration a key part for this ecosystem and motivated the program called Transavia Interaction Platform (TIP). They now have built MVP apps with 360-degree views for their customers, flights and crew. [Edgar] (4/14/2017 4:11:28 PM)


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About Edgar

Edgar is a software engineer with experience in TIBCO Middleware and Pega Case Managemement. He holds a master's degree in Computer Science with a specialization in Data Visualization & Computer Graphics.

In his spare time Edgar reads SOS and Empire, mixes house music, blogs and writes film reviews or goes running.

Currently employed by SynTouch he is specifically looking for a PRPC project. Feel free to contact him for challenging assignments through LinkedIn.